Ocean waves, radiance mild
The moon a web of silence weaves
on the gulf shore there a child
dreams of simple palm tree leaves.
Here's a close up of Maya enjoying the warm gulf breeze. We took her out to the Gulf of Mexico's ocean shores.
While we watched the sunset and listened to approaching waves, Maya indulged her favorite beach activity - dreaming! Perhaps it was the approaching waves but the water and warm sand turned her prophetess.

Moondew stars her infant hair
Moonlight smooths her young brow
All around her summer Gulf air:
Whispers fair the waves are, fair, art thou!
After the sun set ,Melissa and I took a walk with Maya Sophia in a stroller down the pier - you can see it jutting behind Melissa in this picture.

A lot of people seemed to be catching fish: Late night families, children, fathers and mothers, young lovers in each other arms. We saw a girl with her boyfriend almost catch a crab, another flounder on the pier jumped the wooden planks: Spanish Mackeral, Flounder, claims of sharks!

A 'pypka' for Maya Sophia,
our yellowknapsack where I had carried the blankets,
Maya's pink bag where Melissa had put bottle and formula.

Maya just born from the ocean and waiting for some lucky people to pick her - beach towels included! Will Melissa come soon running out of the sea to pick up her baby?

The approaching sea, jutting pier, distant moon, a father smiling, his daughter contemplates options holding onto a pacifier with resolution and a seriousness of purpose.

Thallassa, thallassa, the sea, a pier, Gulf moon, ocean.
Dear Maya,
Thank you for giving us the chance to experience the Gulf of Mexico outing with you and your mommy and daddy. Your descriptions are so vivid that we could almost smell the cool ocean breezes. Why are you always given the pypka, even when you're dreaming so peacefullly? We want to see your cute expressions and your beautiful face, but we can't because of the pypka. Thank you again for the lovely pictures, but we want to see more of you.
Love, Baba and Didi
Hi, Congrats on the beautiful baby girl.
My husband and I are expecting this April and we were told its probably going to be a girl.
We've already decided the name, it happens to be maya sofia and when we did an extended search..we found your site.
I think its a beautful name fit for a beautiful baby! Congrats again.
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