Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Six Weeks Old... 40 smiling days of life....

These days I smile for all the world to see,
I'm bright eyed Maya Sophia a little baby free
Full of hope and trust and life's delight
I'm almost never out of my mommy Melissa's heart or her sight

I sit on my green couch dreaming of Winnie the pooh holding a flower
Cute as a button and in hot pink for at least two or three hours
What is in the world outside my house and where's there to go,
I have never been down south to the tropics or up to the land of snow

I love to lie in my comfy sleeper and sleep with hands high,
While Mommy tries to sleep and Daddy tries not to sigh,
I'm just like the smallest cute eyed rapper, the youngest MC
My names cool Maya Sophia and I'm young, growing and free

Here's me relaxing alone in my very wide crib,
maybe you can notice I'm not wearing my favorite pink bib!
though bibless a baby blanket, my favorite I wear,
and even though I'm a little bald, please don't think you can stare!

Here's me smiling for my mommy while garden's butterflies run free
And the birds all call quickly, Maya Sophia twee, twee
My mother's smiling kind Melissa and My father is hard working Ray
and with a smile like mine please come and play!

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