Friday, February 09, 2007
Maya at Seven Months

Her seven months has begun, she has no trouble picking up toys and passing them hand to hand, and she has already started to play "drop the rattle,". Maya seems busy collecting important information about the world and her actions, refining her understanding of cause and effect. She has already started to point finger (in a physical, developmental sense) , and sometime in the next month I read that she will begin using a pincer grasp and picking up small objects with her thumb.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Some more pics from my trip
Yo paresco una dectective con mi lindo vestido.
I think I look like a detective with my cool dress.
Mi Bisabuelita le gusta que vista de rosado.
My greatgrandma loves me in pink.
Tia Doris me siento y me miro fenomenal en la ropita que me regalastes... gracias!!
Aunt Doris, I look and feel so good in this outfit... thanks!!
Meet Abuelitos y Bisabuelitios (grandparents and greatgrandparents)
Here I am with grandma Elizabeth.
Aqui estoy con my abuelita Elizabeth.
Me gusta jugar con mi Abuelo al caballito... me hace reir mucho.
I like to play horsy with Grandpa... it makes me smile a lot.
Mis queridos Bisabuelitos... me cantaron y jugaron mucho conmigo.
My sweet, sweet great grandparents... they sang and played a lot with me.
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